Our Wins
We translate learning into action across our spheres of influence, always centering relationship in everything we do. We call that a 'win'. Our 'wins' come in all shapes and sizes. Wins inspire us to continue deepening our commitment. They are a place to help us find ‘What’s in it for me?’ while sharing with others when they understandably ask, ‘Where are your receipts?’

“My son’s 4th grade project was about Bruce’s Beach. Initially, he was going to choose some other project commonly done by classmates at that age. With some encouragement and discussion, he chose to make a news broadcast about Bruce’s Beach and a photo board display. His teacher was not aware of the full story despite living in this community - much as I was unaware of the true story in my first 15 or so years living in Hermosa Beach. His poster board was on display at Open House last week. Not sure how many parents took the time to look it over and learn, but the win is that he did it. He was there the day the land was formally returned.”
“My win is my participation in the WMRJ Money Circles, and in particular sharing a money dilemma related to scarcity mindset even in the face of mathematical abundance. I was the recipient of incredible wisdom and support from the group including many ideas shared regarding the idea of investing and giving versus just giving.”
“I’ve been able to talk to my best friend, a Black woman, like never before, and I’ve been able to move beyond shaming my father-in-law instead engaging him by creating space for growth and understanding.”
“Co-founded a new wealth management firm in 2023, Humanize Wealth. The decision was deeply informed by the previous two+ years of work across the WMRJ community.”
“In a follow up session to an immersive experience in Montgomery that I co-led with members of the executive team [of a major US retailer], a team member shared that after his experience and due to our urging them to analyze their power and spheres of influence, that he re-evaluated the suppliers and products represented on the shelves in the region under his care. He increased the amount of products made by Black owned businesses and the amount of Black owned businesses represented in his stores.”
“We’ve been working for a couple of years to help make the electrical trades more accessible to communities who have typically been excluded. One of the ways we’re doing that is by building pre-apprenticeship programs in collaboration with other organizations to help expand the funnel for the clean energy workforce. One of those partnerships, was featured in our local paper and a couple TV outlets. In the previous cohort of 16 apprentices, we ended up hiring 4 or 5, and some of our competitors/collaborators hired another 6 or so.”
As covered by local TV, in response to a hate crime, more than a dozen men and their families helped FarmerJawn hold an Only Love Grows Here solidarity rally on the farm: nearly 1000 diverse people showed, including PA Ag Secy, local Mayor, and 3 state reps. Most importantly, groups went on farm tours to see, hear, and feel what it means to transition 123 acres to what will be the largest Black-operated regenerative organic farm in the U.S., resetting a challenging relationship with the landlord/school, and driving daily farmstand sales from an average $850 to $11k.
“I hosted an in-person WMRJ open house in my local community. I invited a bunch of white friends, acquaintances and people who I thought would be interested. I had 13 guys show up to the in-person meeting and 4 to sign up for foundations. The group wanted to continue to meet in person."
“Inspired by the Reparations Conference funded by WMRJ, I enrolled my Quaker Meeting and a Bethel AME church to engage in a 10-month conversation about reparations. Monthly, 14-15 people -- half African American, half European American -- came together to discuss the roots of our national racial illness, and what we can do about it. We concluded phase one of our work with a shared worship at the Lansdowne AME Church. On to phase 2!"
Underwrote a week-long educational cohort on reparations for 87 faith-based leaders run by the Black-led Truth Telling Project, testified at City Council hearings, and published articles in local media.
Supported the JEDI goals of the B Corp community and the business goals of women of color entrepreneurs by underwriting the participation of dozens of LEVEL program entrepreneurs at the B Corp annual gathering.
“Led a rapid response mutual aid effort among WMRJ Pine Ridge Community Weekend participants over Thanksgiving weekend that resulted in $7,500 in matching funds for legal support requested from Chief Henry Red Cloud for a wrongfully incarcerated family member, who is now free.”
"I went to the Colorado State House in Denver with the non-profit I volunteer for, Citizens Project, which is focused on helping underserved populations in Colorado Springs, including BIPOC. We lobbied on various bills, including one to stop book bans in CO Springs.”
“Met with the State Treasurer of Vermont to tell him about WMRJ. I invited the him to meet with our Vermont WMRJ group. He is interested and plans to meet with the Vermont group to learn more.”
“Got a really nice note from a Black woman state senator who appreciated the work the Lift All Boats project is doing to introduce POC to a very white, privileged industry. The bigger win is her invitation to share ideas. A major personal win for me is the transition over the last two years from someone who would have been satisfied with just the recognition, to someone who is hungry for conversation, idea sharing, and deeper relationship with POC whom I can support and work alongside in solidarity.”
“Got this piece published in Newsweek on the importance of bringing white me into the work of DEI."
“I had an opinion piece published in the Boston Globe calling on Yale University, as a legacy alumnus, to abandon preferential treatment for legacy admissions.”
“Organized more than 30 PA WMRJ community members to sign multiple letters to Philly DA Larry Krasner calling for his support for the release of Tyree Wallace, who has served 26 years of a Death by Incarceration sentence for a crime he didn’t commit. Many of those WMRJ community members showed up at a Free Tyree rally outside City Hall (covered by local TV) on the morning of a judicial hearing on Tyree’s case (thanks to one WMRJ member, the judge on Tyree’s case stopped by the rally on his way to the courthouse).”